About Crossart

Production & Shipping

Production Shipping

Production and Shipping Estimates

Check production times, shipping times and costs for your area.
Production Shipping

How long does it take to fulfill my order?

After we receive your order, it is taken over by our fulfillment department. Most of our products are Made to Order, please check our production times for each product here: Production and...
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Production Shipping

Why am I being charged customs fees?

Customs fees are taxes that may be levied on imported shipments depending on each country's import regulations, so you may be asked to pay some customs fees, depending of the country...
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Production Shipping

How can I get my Order Tracking details?

After fulfilling your order, we will send you an email with your order tracking details.
Production Shipping

What are the Shipping Times?

The shipping time varies on the country you live in. Please check the shipping costs and times for your area here: Production and Shipping Estimates. Please understand that busy seasons...
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Production Shipping

Where do you ship to?

For information about shipping areas for each product, please check here: Production and Shipping Estimates.
Production Shipping

What is the Shipping Cost?

The cost of shipping varies on the country you live in. During the checkout procedure, the cost will be displayed to you before you confirm the purchase. Also, you can check the...
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Production Shipping

Do you offer Free Shipping?

Yes, we offer FREE Shipping starting from a certain order value, depending on your location. Please check the shipping conditions for your area here: Production and Shipping Estimates.